Two quails had 7 baby quails
6 of the babies ate worms and bugs and grass seeds, but the seventh ate only grass seeds.
Because the baby only ate grass seeds, its wings did not grow as strong as the others, and thus it could not fly.
One day a forest fire came and the mother and father quail as well as the 6 other quail children flew away.
The Seventh stayed in the nest as it couldn't fly.
As the fire approach the small one spoke saying it was weak and there was nothing there for the fire.
The fire left, and the bird lived happily.
Inayat. Twenty Jataka Tales
6 of the babies ate worms and bugs and grass seeds, but the seventh ate only grass seeds.
Because the baby only ate grass seeds, its wings did not grow as strong as the others, and thus it could not fly.
One day a forest fire came and the mother and father quail as well as the 6 other quail children flew away.
The Seventh stayed in the nest as it couldn't fly.
As the fire approach the small one spoke saying it was weak and there was nothing there for the fire.
The fire left, and the bird lived happily.
Quail Chick Against the Fire
Inayat. Twenty Jataka Tales
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