Time management is something that has been very necessary for me for the past two semesters. These last two semesters have been incredibly busy for me so it has been important for me to make sure that I scheduled time to do my work. Unfortunately, schoolwork and studying have taken up the majority of my time these last two semester so actually having time to manage was a bit of a rarity, and time management usually just mean to me that I was focusing on my work instead of taking breaks.
The Important Habit of Just Starting highlighted something that I find to be very true. Often times the most difficult part for me was just getting started.
THE MYTH OF "TOO BUSY" is an article that I found to be a bit shallow. I guess it works if you're unaware of what you are spending time on, but if you are the article offers nothing. If you don't plan out your day at all then taking the advice of article may be somewhat helpful, but if you put the smallest amount of thought into what you will be doing that day and the amount of time those things take then the advice given is relatively useless. If I spend 5 hours a day watching Netflix or playing video games, I'm not going to say that I'm too busy for something. I'm not really sure anyone would. But if I'm spending 14 hours a day on campus working on schoolwork, you bet I'm going to say that I am too busy to fit something else into my schedule. I feel like the article could be cut down to "Be aware of how you are spending your time, and choose what you want to spend your time on."
I agree on time management becoming more important as you go through school. It must feel really ridiculous to be so busy that time spent doing time management is better spent working though, haha. I feel like I went through the same thing in the 2 weeks or so before finals last semester. I also agree with your comment on the second article, I didn't even read it because of the title tbh